On February 10, 2022, the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energy released information about the new National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, which will provide nearly $5 billion over five years to help states create a network of EV charging stations. To access these new funds, each state must submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan to the new Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.

Simultaneously, the number of EV product offerings is quickly growing, and the EV used car market is now making EVs affordable across all income levels. Many individual states have set substantive goals to rapidly increase sales of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) over the next decade.

How are you getting ahead of this massive industry shift, and getting ready to make the best of use of federal investments?

On February 23, we gathered for a webinar and discussion about the state of practice with EVs and ZEVs, how state agencies can take action to assess their electrification infrastructure needs, and practical considerations for private and public organizations in light of the infrastructure law.

Following the webinar, we released a handout summarizing the top 10 priorities for public and private organizations in light of these funding opportunities and the latest guidance. Check it out here!