Damian Stefanakis
Senior Principal Planner

Damian has 30 years of experience in transportation planning and travel demand forecast modeling. Before joining Kittelson, he worked for consultants in the San Francisco Bay Area on regional and national projects, including model development, major investment studies, transit studies, and planning projects. Prior to this, he worked for consultants in South Africa and was involved in numerous transportation modeling and traffic projects, including metro rail studies for Johannesburg. He currently specializes in the development and application of travel demand models for highway and transit projects using many types of software, including EMME/2, TRANPLAN, UTPS, MINUTP and CUBE/TP+. He also has experience with application of the MTC Model and the ACCMA Countywide Model for regional transit and highway studies, including the I-580 HOV Lanes, Hayward 238 Corridor Study, I-80 MIS, Fremont-South Bay Corridor and San Francisco Countywide Transportation Plan. Damian also provides model training to clients in the use of EMME/2 and CUBE/TP+.