Laurence Lewis
Senior Principal Planner (he/him)

Laurence is a transportation engineer and planner whose career has focused on the integration of land use and transportation. He has more than 20 years of national project experience that includes multimodal corridor studies, Complete Streets planning, local government mobility plans, transit-oriented district studies, and transportation analyses. A registered Professional Engineer in Florida and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, Laurence has worked on a wide variety of transit planning, traffic engineering, land use policy, and urban design projects. His project portfolio spans the United States.
Professional Registrations
Projects Laurence has worked on

Bay Area Mobility Hub Study
Moving Mobility to the Forefront in the Bay Area

City of Alameda Tsunami Evacuation Planning Tool
Building a Tool for Safer Evacuations

E. 14th St./Mission Blvd Multimodal Project
Improving an Important Inter-Jurisdictional Corridor to Increase Multimodal Travel

Hayward Local Road Safety Plan
Developing a Vision (Zero) for Safer Streets in Hayward, CA

SRTA Regional Active Transportation Network
Promoting Active Transportation Through Planning and Design in California
Ideas Laurence has written about

What Does Traffic Calming Calm?
The speed of drivers? The number of drivers? The impatience of drivers? The stress level of residents?