
Local governments, counties, and transportation/metropolitan planning organizations are challenged with understanding population, employment, school enrollment, and land use growth and how this information impacts the future roadway network. Kittelson was brought on to support Florida Department of Transportation‘s district-wide land use planning effort to develop 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, and 2045 socioeconomic data for Space Coast Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), River to Sea TPO, Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), Ocala/Marion County TPO, and MetroPlan Orlando in District Five.


Our team collected employment and population data, analyzed and geocoded this data in Arc Geographic Information Systems, and spatially joined this data to the Transportation Analysis Zones (TAZs). Based on the results of population and employment numbers from the base year, we divided the recommended TAZ splits to the District and MPO/TPO staff for the Central Florida Regional Planning Model 7 update.

The Outcome

Using Today's Data to Plan for Tomorrow

The Central Florida Regional Planning Model Version 7 provides future scenarios for population, employment, and school enrollment projections, land use development, and land use data through 2045.




Florida Department of Transportation



