
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) sought partners to provide long-range planning guidance for their Clean Transportation Program. The plan pledged to cut statewide greenhouse and carbon gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050 by implementing policies that enhanced energy efficiency, used cleaner fuels, improved mobility and reliability, and reduced roadway congestion.


In collaboration with consulting firm CADMUS, Kittelson recommended policies and strategies to improve system efficiency by reducing the use of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles for passenger and goods movement trips, increasing the use of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) and other more fuel-or emissions-efficient transportation methods, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from vehicle miles traveled. We considered the different needs in urban, suburban, and rural areas. The strategies encourage individuals, companies, and government entities to modify their travel habits in proportion with their environmental impact and existing resources.

The Outcome

Helping New York State Achieve Ambitious Clean Transportation Goals

Kittelson presented these strategies to the New York State Climate Action Council’s Transportation Advisory Panel (TAP). They were ultimately incorporated into NYSERDA’s Clean Transportation Roadmap.

What’s Next?

Since completing the Clean Transportation Roadmap, NYSERDA initiated its Clean Transportation Prizes Program. This program allocates $85 million to accelerate the state’s transition to a clean transportation future. Kittelson partnered with Energetics to provide technical assistance to proposers of the Electric Mobility Challenge. We are excited to support New York’s clean transportation transition as the state moves from planning to implementation.


Washington, D.C.


New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)


New York

