
Leveling Up Transportation Projects with 3D Visualization and Gaming Technology

This cutting-edge technology is not just about creating visually appealing models; it’s about transforming how we design, analyze, and communicate complex transportation projects.

Leveling Up Transportation Projects with 3D Visualization and Gaming Technology Leveling Up Transportation Projects with 3D Visualization and Gaming Technology Leveling Up Transportation Projects with 3D Visualization and Gaming Technology

Putting Humans in the Driver’s Seat of Machine Learning

We’ve developed a framework that demystifies the process of integrating machine learning into transportation engineering and planning, with human decision-makers staying in the driver’s seat.

Putting Humans in the Driver’s Seat of Machine Learning Putting Humans in the Driver’s Seat of Machine Learning Putting Humans in the Driver’s Seat of Machine Learning Putting Humans in the Driver’s Seat of Machine Learning Putting Humans in the Driver’s Seat of Machine Learning
Ideas Overpass and Road

The Infrastructure Bill Passes: How Will the Money Get into Transportation Agencies’ Hands?

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was passed by the House of Representatives on November 5, 2021. What does this mean for state and local agencies?

The Infrastructure Bill Passes: How Will the Money Get into Transportation Agencies’ Hands? The Infrastructure Bill Passes: How Will the Money Get into Transportation Agencies’ Hands? The Infrastructure Bill Passes: How Will the Money Get into Transportation Agencies’ Hands? The Infrastructure Bill Passes: How Will the Money Get into Transportation Agencies’ Hands?
Ideas BIM Model Overlaid on a Drone Photo

Advancing Transportation Design Through Building Information Modeling (BIM)

We’re in the midst of what may be the next big shift in the way designs are produced and shared. Here’s what you need to know about the use of BIM and digital twins in transportation design.

Advancing Transportation Design Through Building Information Modeling (BIM) Advancing Transportation Design Through Building Information Modeling (BIM) Advancing Transportation Design Through Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Ideas 10-passenger automated shuttle in Lake Nona, Florida

A New Fleet of Automated Shuttles is Coming to Lake Nona, Florida

As part of a BUILD grant for a multimodal network throughout Lake Nona, Florida, Tavistock Development Company is partnering with Beep, Inc. to create the “Move Nona” automated vehicle program, which will be one of the largest automated shuttle fleets in the world within a single community.

A New Fleet of Automated Shuttles is Coming to Lake Nona, Florida

How Transportation Agencies Can Set Themselves Up for Large-Scale ATSPM Deployment

Automated traffic signal performance measures (ATSPMs) are revolutionizing the way agency engineers view traffic management. These high-resolution data analytic tools pull from systems and components…

How Transportation Agencies Can Set Themselves Up for Large-Scale ATSPM Deployment How Transportation Agencies Can Set Themselves Up for Large-Scale ATSPM Deployment
Ideas Capacity Predictions for Connected & Automated Vehicles

How Connected & Automated Vehicles May Change Freeway Capacities

100% market penetration for fully connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) will likely be post-2050, and even then may be restricted to dedicated CAV-only facilities. However,…

How Connected & Automated Vehicles May Change Freeway Capacities How Connected & Automated Vehicles May Change Freeway Capacities How Connected & Automated Vehicles May Change Freeway Capacities
Ideas Virtual reality demonstration of 11th Street in Boise

Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Transportation Planning

You’re preparing for a public meeting to communicate the pros and cons of two different bike lane facility alternatives. You want thoughtful feedback that comes…

Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Transportation Planning Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Transportation Planning
Ideas Capacity Impacts of Automated Vehicles at the AV Symposium

Planning-Level Capacity Adjustments for Connected and Automated Vehicles: The Future is Now

Self-driving truck platoons are delivering goods, auto manufacturers and ride-share providers are racing to be the first to distribute autonomous vehicles to customers, and connected…

Planning-Level Capacity Adjustments for Connected and Automated Vehicles: The Future is Now Planning-Level Capacity Adjustments for Connected and Automated Vehicles: The Future is Now Planning-Level Capacity Adjustments for Connected and Automated Vehicles: The Future is Now