
The Moreno Valley Mall is located on a constrained site and is expected to generate heavy traffic and high pedestrian activity in the area. The existing access driveways and parking lots were not developed to allow for a mix of land uses, parking structures, and the anticipated car and pedestrian activity.


Kittelson assisted with identifying circulation and access needs and prepared a transportation impact analysis for the redevelopment of the Moreno Valley Mall. This comprehensive analysis examined impacts on transit, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation, along with potential VMT impacts, in order to create a site plan that is sensitive and conducive to transportation system users of all modes while maintaining adequate access for emergency vehicles, commercial loading, and personal vehicles. The improvements included modifying intersection geometry configurations, signal timing, ITS upgrades, and signal coordination.

The Outcome

Improving Multimodal Circulation Around the Moreno Valley Mall

Moreno Valley Concept Plan - Aerial ViewOur impact analysis report met California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements and successfully gained necessary project approvals and entitlements to move forward with construction. The plan allows for the revitalization of the project area, provides a mixture of uses that reduces vehicle miles traveled through internal capture of trips, and provides a circulation system that is responsive to the needs of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian travel.




Moreno Valley Mall, Hannah Partners


Moreno Valley, CA

