Alek Pochowski
Associate Engineer / Planner (He/Him)

A focus on novel approaches unites Alek’s breadth of experience in developing multimodal transportation solutions. With a civil engineering degree from Iowa State University and masters’ degrees in civil engineering and city and regional planning from Georgia Tech, Alek remains actively involved in several professional organizations related to transportation and is a former president of the Washington, DC Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. He also served on the International Board of Directors of the Young Professionals in Transportation.
As a national expert in the planning, evaluation, design, and research of roundabouts, Alek has worked on hundreds of roundabout projects across the United States and Canada and has served as the principal investigator of NCHRP Synthesis 488: Roundabout Practices. He is also a member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Committee on Roundabouts (ANB75) and has assisted in the efforts to update several statewide roundabout guides.
Working with the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), Alek has led the development of innovative transportation solutions that address complex demands, including leading the consultant team in the development and analysis of the parkDC: Penn Quarter/Chinatown performance parking initiative. As part of his effort to lead traffic safety evaluations across the District, Alek evaluated future multimodal opportunities on Pennsylvania Ave. NW between the White House and the Capitol and helped to design the first protected intersection in Washington, DC. Within the mid-Atlantic, Alek has led Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Updates for regional MPOs and cities and has led the transportation elements of several award-winning urban design projects. In Cambridge, Massachusetts, Alek developed the “Peanutabout” as a potential concept, which includes separated bike lanes at two closely-spaced mini roundabouts in a constrained urban area at the Inman Square intersection.
Through his triathlon training, Alek regularly runs and bikes on facilities he helped design and implement. Although he has not yet developed facilities comfortable for swimmers, Alek always remains open to broadening his skill set.
Professional Registrations
Projects Alek has worked on

Fairfax City Neighborways
Creating Blueprints for Bike-Friendly Neighborways

Mount Vernon Avenue North Complete Streets
Intersection Design Concepts That Bring a Community's Vision to Life
Beall Avenue Protected Intersections
Transforming a Speedy Street Into a Comfortable Street