
The US 97 corridor between Bend and Redmond is very straight and driveway density is highest in the transition sections from rural to urban areas into Bend and Redmond. By using Highway Safety Manual crash prediction methods, Kittelson completed benefit-cost analysis to prioritize projects based on expected cost-effectiveness and ability to reduce fatal and severe injury crashes. This information was presented in the US 97 Safety Assessment and contributed to ODOT receiving funding to implement the improvements.


As an outcome of the US 97 Safety Assessment, we implemented short- and medium-term improvements along nine miles of US 97 between the cities of Bend and Redmond. This included updating the safety assessment, preparing the design acceptance packages, and developing final PS&E documentation.

The Outcome

Improving Safety Along a Stretch of Dense Driveways

The improvements include development of acceleration and deceleration lanes at two priority intersections, installation of recessed pavement markers, and removal of rock outcroppings within and adjacent to the roadway clear zone.




Oregon Department of Transportation


Bend, Oregon

